Dog Grooming Supplies
Natural dog shampoo helps nourish a dog's itchy dry skin while restoring the natural shine to the coat. At Mickey's we believe in carrying the finest in salon quality shampoo for your dog. Cloud Star Buddy Wash is an all natural dog shampoo that is coconut oil based to keep the natural oils in your pet's skin We now have the Zen Pet Nail Clipper. Zen Clipper is a revolutionary new pet nail clipper that is designed to clip just the tip of the nail.
Zen Clipper has a patent-pending conical blade that only allows the tip of the pet's nail into the cutting area, it's like putting the tip of the nail into a small funnel. You clip just the tip and avoid the quick. Originally invented for cats, Zen Clipper can be used on birds and reptiles (Small Zen Clipper), cats and dogs.
PPP tear stain remover is the favorite of dog groomers. It is safe, even for puppies and very easy to use to cleanse around the eye area.
Made in USA dog grooming supplies will have your dog looking and feeling their best